Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Hole in Our Gospel

Long ago, I signed up for a blog with the goal in mind that I would post reviews about books that I was getting from Thomas Nelson Publishing for free. The deal was, they would send me a book for free, all I had to do was read it & post a review about it to my blog & also post a review on some website that sells the book (i.e. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc). So seeing that I read this book probably almost a year ago I thought I would write my review on it. I also am running out of reading material, & with me raising support for my job free books are the best books!

If you are interested in checking getting books for only the cost of reviewing them then check out

Richard Stearns' book, "The Hole In Our Gospel" was a great book that provided a lot of facts & insight to what is going on in world missions. I was surprisingly impressed with how well his story was tied into the bigger story of the lack of focus and work being put into fixing some of our world's biggest problems. As I have started working at non-profit & begun to see some of the world's poorest areas, I was cut to the core at how much we as Americans lack in truly having a sense of urgency in meeting some of the LIFE needs of our neighbors around the world.

Even looking back at the earthquake that has rocked Haiti, you can already see many Christians & churches forgetting about what is still going on down there, specifically the pain, hunger, and devastating that is still wrapping it's hand around the people's throat.

If you are looking for a book that is filled with lots of current & accurate facts along with good scripture that supports this view of world missions then I highly recommend you taking a read through Stearns' book. This is one I have passed off to a co-worker, and she too agrees that it is an eye-opening book, even for the most educated on these matters.

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